Chemical Information and Computation 2023 Number Two. Fall 2023 ACS National Meeting in San Francisco
I am excited to announce the latest issue in my renowned report series. My reports are essential reading if you want to keep up to date with recent developments in cheminformatics and computational chemistry. As usual, I have transcribed technical presentations in detail, and have added value by including web links, expanding abbreviations, correcting errors, and carefully checking the literature references. License the current report and you will benefit from reading about symposia with these themes:
- machine learning and AI in chemistry
- AI and predictive analytics for chemical reactions
- algorithm development and data analysis in chemical space
- helping chemists manage their data
- cheminformatics: toward democratization and open science
- enhance your data: smart ways to metadata and knowledge graphs.
The report starts with news of recent developments at 50 organizations in the computational chemistry, cheminformatics, chemical information, and publishing markets, plus news about people, awards, and more. Waste no time. Order now for delivery at the end of February 2024.
The 50% discount for academia and government continues, and within large organizations, academic or industrial, licensees can share the report with hundreds, or even thousands of colleagues for little more than twice the basic price.
Click here for the contents list.
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This is the 60th issue in this report series. Click here
for contents list of the previous report